Barut Hotels
Barut Club

Side Museum

Side Museum

A journey into history in the ancient Roman Baths

Side Museum, located in a Roman bath built in the 2nd century AD and renovated in the 5th century AD in the ancient city of Side, which offers a fascinating world with its ancient ruins, consists of five halls and a large courtyard. The ancient bath opposite the Roman agora was restored in 1959-1961 and turned into a museum.

Side Museum's timeless collection includes artifacts from the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine periods. Among the artifacts exhibited are sculptures, torsa portraits, relief sarcophagi and ostoteks, tomb steles, inscriptions in Greek and Side language, altars, amphoras, architrave frieze columns, column capitals, pediments, etc. architectural elements; coins belonging to Pamphylia and Pisidia cities and Side coins draw attention.  The excavations of the ruins of the ancient city of Side waiting to be unearthed continue under the sponsorship of Barut Hotels.

You can have a pleasant, peaceful and comfortable Side holiday by staying at Barut B Suites during your holiday where you will discover historical ruins such as Side Apollo Temple and Side Ancient Theater as well as Side Museum.


A modern, comfortable and privileged holiday awaits you in Side.

Discover unique services and the mysterious world of Side in comfortable suites designed with special privileges for you.

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